Underrated Ideas Of Tips About How To Start Bea Weblogic Server
Start the bea weblogic server and publish your enterprise application.
How to start bea weblogic server. Back in the server view, right click on the server entry and. Click on “open launch configuration” to configure any options that you want while running the server and then click ok. * to start weblogic server, use the password * * assigned to the system user.
Back up your evaluation license file, license.bea, found in the bea_home directory (e.g. Windows nt users can use the start menu shortcut labeled start default admin server . Start the bea weblogic configuration wizard by executing the script config.extension.
Go to windows > open perspective > other., choose profiling and. In the wizard's create or extend a. Open the profiling and logging perspective.
To quickly deploy an html page: C:\bea in a windows installation) 2. And, you can now use wlst commands to access node manager and.
The system * * username and password must also be used to * * access the weblogic server. Start the default administration weblogic server.